Clinics We Offer

a stethoscope

Health Promotion

At Hartshill Medical Centre, we are keen to increase awareness of health matters and promote a healthy lifestyle. All the Doctors and Nurses are willing to discuss all health matters including:

  • Smoking cessation
  • Family planning (including coil fitting & implants)
  • Travel health
  • Weight reduction
  • Prevention of heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Cytology
  • Maternity care
  • Minor surgery  (Including Male Sterilisation/Vasectomies)

Well-person health checks are available by appointment with any of the Nurses. The checks are designed to detect risk factors for heart disease and discuss ways in which these can be minimised.

Although specific clinics are held for some of the above, mutually convenient appointments can be made during normal surgery hours. Please ask at reception for details.

a model of a heart

Heart Disease

The care of patients with angina or a past history of a heart attack is shared between the practice Nurses and Doctors. It is very important that regular checks of blood pressure control, cholesterol and severity of symptoms are carried out. The Doctor will be able to advise you on the frequency of the checks.

Appointments for our Healthy Heart Clinic can be made with the practice Nurse any time within normal surgery hours.

As part of the care of your heart problems, we are able to offer help with smoking cessation if you require it.

We should like to remind you that all such patients should have an annual flu vaccination and theses are available each Autumn. Please ask at reception for clinic details etc.

a picture of medical instruments

Minor Surgery

A wide range of minor surgical procedures can be carried out at the surgery by two of our Doctors. An appointment must be made to see the Doctor initially. Such appointments are usually made first thing in the morning or at the end of a morning surgery.

Male Sterilisation (Vasectomy) procedures are performed here by Dr Nayiager - for both NHS and Private Patients - please contact reception for details.

a person standing in front of a forest


Cervical cytology sampling (smears) are carried out by our experienced Practice Nurses and can be done anytime during your menstrual cycle, though most women prefer not to be bleeding when booking in for their appointment.

When you attend you will be given written information on when you may need further investigations, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing, and how and when you will receive your results.


Maternity Care

Full maternity care is provided  by the community Midwife. Your details will be passed to the Midwife and she will contact you to make an appointment with you.

If you need to contact a Midwife at any other time, please telephone the Maternity Hospital who will contact your Midwife on your behalf.

a baby lying on a bed

Child Health

Children’s immunisations and health surveillance appointments are held during the normal surgery hours. Their growth and development, from birth until their fifth birthday is monitored by our Doctors, practice Nurses and Health Visitors.

For all immunisations, it is vital that the Red Book is brought to the appointment. If the parent is unable to bring the child for the immunisation, a letter of authority giving the name of who will be bringing the child and the immunisation for which the child will be attending must be brought to the surgery signed by the parent, together with the Red Book. If either the letter or the book is not present, unfortunately we will not be able to carry out the immunisation and a further appointment will have to be made.

At 8 weeks old, an appointment will be sent for the baby’s first check-up, carried out by the Doctor and followed by the first immunisation with our practice Nurse. 

A letter regarding all other immunisations will be sent out from the Child Health Department at Bucknall Hospital informing parents when further immunisations are due. On receipt of this letter, please contact the surgery to make an appointment with the practice Nurse.